Monday, August 3, 2015


I have decided it is time to re-group and re-fresh my blog or perhaps re-locate it. I wanted to start this blog as a beautiful place to share stories and inspire people with projects and design. I lost site of this and now it is time to reflect and start a new. So Thank you for stopping by please look around and stay tuned for whats to come.
Creatively Yours,
Christina Marie

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

World Market Towel Rack Hack

I recently was searching the web for a new towel rack. You see when we moved in to our new home our guest bathroom had only one towel rack and it hung over the toilette!…Now call me crazy but I don’t want my bath towel hanging up over the toilette and I wouldn’t expect my guests would either. So I took it down along with the matching one in our master bath, my good intentions were to hang them both up behind the guest bathroom door to create a double towel rack.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Goodbye Chocolate Monster

Lately my skin has been horrible and no dermatologist or product seemed to be working. So I have turned to food. I have now been on a very low sugar, low carb and if I can help it NO processed foods regiment for 2 weeks. So far it has been going well, until this week.
This week the chocolate cravings hit me! They come with fiery and unrelenting force...ladies you know what I'm talking about! You just cant help it you have to have something rich and chocolaty! But what could I do I wasn't supposed to eat anything like that.
Well today I concocted a perfect antidote and all day I have been free from further chocolate cravings! Now don't get me wrong it was still chocolate and still sugar but it wasn't a processed sugary bar. It was 100% natural sugar and good dark cocoa powder and I want to share it with all of you in hopes that it can help others with the miserable chocolate monsters that live inside us.
Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset
1 glass of organic milk
1/2 tsp of dark (60% or more) cocoa powder
1 organic banana
put it in a blender or use a hand mixer like I did.  That's it!
Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
Its sweet and yummy, almost like chocolate milk shake but with no processed foods or added sugar PLUS using 60% or more cocoa powder means you get all the great antioxidants that chocolate has to offer.  ENJOY!

Creatively Yours,
Christina Marie
PS. If you need it a hint more sweet add just the smallest drip of raw honey on top before you blend.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Side table face lift

As you know my Pop builds a lot of things from scratch. one thing he built was this neat little corner table for his outside patio. It was an outside table so he never gave it any finishing touches and it was made out of left over scrap pieces of wood. However after a few years he was tired of it and went to throw it out but being me, I snatched it up with a plan in mind.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hitting the re-start button and welcoming 2015!

2014 was a crazy year for me. It had some up points but over all it was one stress filled year! I welcomed my Hubby home from deployment number 2, moved 3 times, had a lot of personal decisions to make about my future that were all accompanied by a lot of stress and on top of that I had some personal health issues that were not fun to deal with. Well now that it's 2015 and I have done the typical New Years reflection and have found that non of my 2014 goals were met! Partially because of the things listed above but mostly because of me. So...I have decided that this year is the year I make my goals achievable. 

My goals for 2015 are to not judge myself so harshly. In order to help me do that I want to get back to my yoga practice where I feel calm and centered. This feeling resonates into the rest of my life when I am actively doing yoga. It inspires me to take the time to enjoy life's beautiful moments and live in the present.I feel if I can get back to that I will judge less and enjoy more.  

In the process of being less judgmental about where I am in my life and what I am doing I have also decided that its truly time to throw myself back into this blog! I started it as a way to share myself with the world and it quickly became a place where I constantly judged myself because I was so worried about how I would come off. Well no more! I am over my writers block/self shaming and I am here to share and hopefully inspire. 

Below I have re-posted my first blog post about why I started this blog in the first place. I hope your read it, I know its lengthy but I hope when you read it that you get inspired too to hit the re-set button on a past project you put aside and never completed. Happy 2015 everyone and welcome back! 

Creatively Yours, 
Christina Marie

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